viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Published 19:15 by with 0 comment

Is it advisable to remove the battery of my laptop or not and why?

Well I just buy a toshiba laptop satellite and was in the univ I using it connected to power and a friend told me q is not good q connect it to power and have the battery q is better to take it out and just use the current and another colleague he told me q what q is advisable to use only the battery and when x example there newly connect to power is at 10% and wanted to know q is q I do if I take out the battery and use it with running and when you turn it lose the information my laptop by not having put the battery ?? there risk? or is it just cuestiond and saving money or actually wastes your laptop
Answer: It is harmful to keep the battery connected to a charger if you have already completed the load?

DO NOT. Contrary to nickel-based batteries - whose prolonged stay in the charger can damage and even cause a fire - the Lithium-Ion batteries have a circuit that cuts off the power once the charging is completed. This is usually indicated by a light on the device.

Of course, there is always the possibility of a fault or overload in the transformer, so it should not be left connected to the mains permanently.

Is it harmful to the battery of a notebook that this work always connected to power?

Good thing I ask because not only is harmful, but a laptop is the most harmful stage on which a battery can operate due to two deadly factors: heat and stress.

Heat works by decreasing the resistance of the battery, so its ability to retain power will be decreasing. In fact a Lithium-Ion should never work at temperatures above 60 ° C (range approaching the 40 to 50 of some notebooks). In turn, keep the computer connected to the current being in use generates a "stress' constant, because the force to maintain a 100% charge.

The damage is such that a battery whose charge is maintained at 100% at 60, after three months will retain only 60% of its total capacity, reducing its life just 12 months.

What to do about it? If you occupy the notebook as a replacement for a desktop computer, it is best to remove the battery. But as to remove remains open compartment, it is not recommended if the room where you work is too exposed to moisture or dust.

In the case of my PDA or mobile phone, no matter the transformer load using the USB cable?
Palm reports to be preferred using the charger as always provides the correct amperage. The USB port on some computers - especially notebooks - not always maintain the required 500mA, so it will take up to three times to complete the load.

I will not use my device for a few months, how should I store the battery?

According to studies conducted by BatteryUniversity, all Lithium-Ion more resistant over time with 40% of its load. For example, a stored at room temperature with 40% charged battery will maintain 96% of its total capacity after one year; while a stored with 100% charge will retain only 80% in the same period.

It is for this reason that most devices factory bring a small initial charge: just 40%.
What is clear is that a Lithium-Ion NEVER be stored unloaded. It can cause an unrecoverable damage.

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